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Henaudute (Henaudute-hee.gifHenaudute-nau.gifHenaudute-du.gifHenaudute-te.gif)
Pronounced: /hæːnaudute/
Timeline and Universe: Arda
Species: Humans
Spoken: Yellow Empire
(Ῥαυραρ Ἡνατε)
1400 AM
Total speakers:
Writing system: Henaudute abugida
Genealogy: Dele
Morphological type: Fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: Accusative
Basic word order: VO
Creator: Muke Tever |
Created: 2001

Henaudute (heenaudute, /hæːnaudute/) is a language of Arda.



The phonology of Henaudute is very similar to that of Ancient Greek, and for convenience is spelled with the same alphabet. For convenience it is transliterated to Latin characters in the Roman manner, with one exception, in that k is used for κ.


Bilabial Dental Velar Glottal
Voiceless stop π /p/ τ /t/ κ /k/
Aspirated stop φ /pʰ/ θ /tʰ/ χ /kʰ/
Voiced stop β /b/ δ /d/ γ /ɡ/
Voiceless fricative σ/ς /s/ /h/
Voiced fricative ζ /z/
Nasal μ /m/ ν /n/ (γ [ŋ])
Liquid λ /l/
Tap ρ /ɾ/



There are few if any true adjectives; most are participial forms.

Comparison of adjectives is formed by prefixation.

ου -θα = ουθα
old PART:T  : "old"
ἀμ- ου -θα = ἀμουθα
COMP old PART:T  : "older"
ἰσ- ου PART:T = ἰσουθα
SUP old ADJ:TAN  : "oldest"


There are three genders, ταν (tan, fire), λῡε (lūe, water), and γαρη (garē, earth).

  • Ταν is, broadly, all terms of high animacy; this class includes people, animals, σταφθα (staphtha, self-propelled) processes such as fire, and complex systems, where "complex systems" are symptoms comprising simpler systems. An example is λαν (lan, the hand), which comprises νοθι (nothi, fingers).
  • Λῡε, terms of low animacy, including simple systems, plants, collectives, verbal nouns, parts of ταν things, and ὑνταφθε (huntaphthe, non-propelled) processes such as rivers.
  • Γαρη, inanimate terms, including parts of λῡε things, diminutives, augmentatives, mass nouns, words and letters.