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Spoken in: n.a.
Timeline/Universe: n.a.
Total speakers: n.a.
Genealogical classification: a priori experimental language
Basic word order:
Morphological type:
Morphosyntactic alignment:
Created by:
Jörg Rhiemeier 2006

X-4 is an experimental language designed to be both speakable and playable on a musical instrument. To achieve this, the language uses a set of phonemes that correspond to musical notes.


X-4 uses five consonants and two vowels. The consonants are b, c, d, f and g. The vowels are a and e. All letters have their IPA values except c which is [k]. These make a tiny and unnatural but workable spoken phonology. The maximal syllable structure is CVC.

To play an X-4 utterance on a musical instrument, you just play the notes indicated by the letters.